劈的英文 劈用英語怎麼說?
chop v.砍;劈;剁;反覆突然改變看法;反覆無常;朝三暮四;砍下;剁下;取消;縮小
cleave v.劈開;切斷;黏著;粘住;分裂;開;穿過;忠於;堅持
split vt.分裂;分離;(split的過去式和過去分詞)
hack v.劈;砍;猛劈;猛砍;非法獲取系統中的資料;非法闖入系統;不停地咳;對付;處理;騎馬
hew v.砍;劈;削;切;鋸;遵從;堅持
strike v.打;擊;突然降臨;侵襲;使突然想起;使突然想到;罷工;取消;刪除;勾銷;鑄造;衝制;壓出;發現;移動;行進;拆除;撤;把(枝)插進土裡生根;急拉釣線把魚鉤住
break off 突然停頓, 突然中斷
lop v.修剪;剪去;低垂;軟綿綿地下垂;除去;砍掉的多餘枝丫;沒精打采地移動;閒逛;無所事事
sever v.切斷;切割;中斷;斷絕
slash v.砍;砍擊;抽打;大幅度削減;鞭打;甩;痛斥
separate adj.分離的;獨立的;不同的;特別的
divide v.分開;分隔;不同意;使有分歧;除;隔開;將…分配給;分配;為投票(把… )分成兩組;被除盡
wedge n.楔子;錢;收入;楔形物;坡跟鞋;楔形鞋;楔形隊形;楔形鐵頭球棒;楔形鐵頭球棒擊出的球;坡跟鞋鞋跟
常用 權威
1. 劈劈柴
chop firewood
2. 劈柈子
cut firewood
1. 這種木頭好劈。
The wood splits easily.
2. 鋼筆尖摔劈了。
When the pen fell to the ground, the tip split apart.
3. 木頭被劈得滿是深深的裂口。
The wood was riven with deep cracks.
4. 他們把講道臺劈了當柴火。
They chopped up the pulpit for firewood.
5. 粗劈的原木。
Rough-hewn logs.
6. 我開始拼命地劈起來,那乾燥的木頭在我的斧頭下頓時裂成了碎片。
I started to chop furiously, the dry wood riving and splintering under the axe.
7. 劈好的乾柴整齊地碼在柴垛上。
He placed the chopped wood orderly on the woodstack.
8. 我得用一把短柄斧來劈這樹樁.
I shall have to take a hatchet to that stump.
9. 我在劈好冬天用的木柴前不能去投票!
I can't go to the polls 'til I get the wood all chopped for the winter!
10. 這時,第一個雷電劈向大地。
Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth .
劈(拼音:pī或pǐ),漢語漢字,上下結構,筆畫為15畫,讀pī時有破開、衝著、簡單機械等意思,讀pǐ時意為把繩股分開以拆散、摘葉子等。組詞有劈殺、劈刺等,例句“把繩子劈成三股”。 其相關作品有“劈,破也。”出自《說文》。
動詞 chop; cleave; split; hack; hew
1. 這種木頭好劈。
The wood splits easily.
2. 消防隊員用斧頭把鎖著的門劈開。
The fireman splintered the locked door with his axe.
3. 用斧子在樹幹上劈出一個缺口
cut/hack a notch in the tree trunk
4. 劈成兩半
chop/cleave/split into two halves; chop in two
5. 劈柴
chop (up)/cut (fire)wood
動詞 be split; be broken
1. 鋼筆尖摔劈了。
When the pen fell to the ground, the tip split apart.
2. 板子劈了。
The board was split.
介詞 right against (one's face, chest, etc)
動詞 strike
名詞 wedge
動詞 chop; break off; split; hack; hew; lop; sever; slash; separate; divide
1. 劈成三股
split/untwist sth into three strands
動詞 break/strip off
1. 劈萵苣葉
strip off the outer leaves of a head of lettuce
動詞 split one's legs/fingers as widely apart as possible