洗牙的英文 洗牙用英語怎麼說?
wash one's teeth; have a teeth wash
常用 權威
1. 問:洗牙後拋光牙齒是否有必要?
Question: Is tooth polishing necessary at the end of a dental visit?
2. 瓊:所以,你由牙醫洗牙是免費的?
Joan: So you get your teeth cleaned by a dentist for free?
3. 您距離上次洗牙已經六個月了。
You last got your teeth cleaned six months ago.
4. 捷夫:我和牙醫約好,要做專業洗牙。
Jeff: I have an appointment at the dentist to have my teeth professionally cleaned.
5. 定期地洗牙,這能去掉許多食物和菸草的汙漬。
Step 3. Get regular dental cleanings, which remove many food and tobacco stains.
6. 我可以為你洗牙。
I can clean your teeth.
7. 止血藥 、 維生素都是無效的,單純洗牙
Hemostatic, vitamins are null and void and can not simply Xiya radical.
8. 現在還不需要, 但你的確需要清除牙結石和深部洗牙.
Not now. But you do need to have scaling and deep cleaning.
9. 以上是關於洗牙的一些問題,希望可以解除一些患者的疑慮和困惑。
It above is concerning some problems that wash a tooths , hope to relieve some sufferers worry in uncertainty and perplexity.
10. 想要洗牙的患者如果擔心牙釉質的損壞,可以要求牙醫使用顆粒更精細的拋光膏。
Patients who remained concerned about enamel damage but want polishing can request the dental hygienist use a finer-grained paste.
洗牙(潔牙),專業術語齦上潔治術,指用潔治器械去除牙齦上牙石、菌斑和色漬,並磨光牙面,以延遲菌斑和牙石再沉積的治療方法。 洗牙主要是為了防治口腔疾病。透過洗牙可以減輕牙齦炎、牙周炎的炎症狀況,但單靠洗牙不能治癒牙周炎,還應進行進一步的專業治療。
動詞 wash one's teeth; have a teeth wash