一百二十的英文 一百二十用英語怎麼說?
sixscore; great hundred
long hundred
1. 它花了一百二十英鎊。
It cost a hundred and twenty pounds.
2. 伯特利人和艾人共一百二十三名.
The men of Beth - el and Ai, a hundred and twenty - three.
3. 希蘭給所羅門一百二十他連得金子。
Now Hiram had sent to the king 120 talents of gold.
4. 這個硬碟可以儲存一百二十G的資訊.
This hard drive can store up to 120 gigabytes of information.
5. 三十個月,每週三次,每次一百二十遍。
A hundred and twenty times three times a week for thirty months.
6. 你輸的票數非常少。僅僅一百二十一票!
You lost by a very small number of votes.
7. 里程計的指標一點一點地挪回了一百二十
The speedometer inched passed one-twenty.
8. 俄國人後退了一百二十俄裡——撤離了莫斯科。
The Russians retreat one hundred and twenty versts beyond Moscow;
9. 僅僅一百二十一票!
Only one hundred and twenty-one votes!
10. 設定木蒺藜,要高於地面二尺五寸,兵一百二十具。
Wooden caltrops which stick out of the ground about two feet five inches, one hundred twenty.