填補的英文 填補用英語怎麼說?
fill (a vacancy, gap, etc)
常用 權威
1. 填補真空
fill a vacuum
2. 填補餘額
fill the vacancy
3. 填補空缺
fill up a vacancy
4. 填補虧空
make up a deficit
5. 填補人才缺口
fill the talent void
1. Koziatek的曼徹斯特科技高中正試圖填補這一空白。
Koziatek's Manchester School of Technology High School is trying to fill that gap.
2. 調運南方蔬菜到北方填補冬季空檔。
Transport vegetables from the south to the north to fill the winter gap.
3. 他的著作填補了一大空白。
His book filled a major gap.
4. 他的發現填補了科學技術領域的一項空白。
His discovery filled in a gap in the fields of science and technology.
5. 該雜誌填補了中東研究的一項空白。
The journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies.
6. 她死後,沒人能填補她的位置。
When she died, no one could supply her place.
7. 傑克是填補這一空缺的最佳人選.
Jack is the best man to fill the vacancy.
8. 而按時間順序填補了周圍的空白。
It fills in that gap in with what's around it, chronologically.
9. 第一步先把所有的填補物都挖掉。
The first step is to remove all of the old filling.
10. 你的牙齒蛀了一個洞,必須填補.
You have a cavity that needs to be filled.
動詞 fill (a vacancy, gap, etc)
1. 他的發現填補了科學技術領域的一項空白。
His discovery filled in a gap in the fields of science and technology.
2. 填補缺額
fill a vacancy; make/fill up a deficiency
3. 填補虧空
make up a deficit
4. 填補空缺
fill (up) a vacancy; fill a vacant position
5. 填補精神上的空虛
fill/remedy one's sense of spiritual barrenness