並的英文 並用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-22


bing n.一堆

combine v.結合;聯合;合併;用聯合收割機收割;兼有;化合;為共同目的而聯合;同時參與

merge v.合併;兼併;融合;合為一體;漸漸消失;使融合;使合為一體;使逐漸消失

incorporate v.納入;收入;使組成公司;使立為城市;使結成組織;包含;包括;摻和;混合

join v.連線;接合;參加;參與;聯合;參軍;入伍;陪同;隨同;與…匯合

simultaneously adv.同時地

together adv.在一起;一塊兒;共同;同時;一齊;不間斷地;接連地;靠在一起;一致地;合作地

actually adv.事實上;實際上;竟然;居然

definitely adv.一定地;肯定

and conj.和;與;並且;然後;以;來

what's more 而且;另外;更有甚者;更為重要的是

furthermore adv.而且;此外

moreover adv.而且;加之;再者;更有甚者

常用 權威



1. 並無異言

raise no objection

2. 打併行裝

pack one's luggage; pack up

3. 相併而行

walk side by side


1. 不是所有人都相信雙贏的說法。

Not everyone buys the win-win rhetoric.

2. 這些不是為了抹殺個人的力量。

None of this is about writing off the individual.

3. 提出異議認真聽取他們的回答。

Raise objections and listen carefully to their replies.

4. Luthar不反對給零花錢。

Luthar is not opposed to giving allowances.

5. 當然,很多討論沒有這麼成功。

Of course, many discussions are not so successful.

6. 尋找助學金的人沒有推動分享。

Grant finders were not pushing for sharing.

7. 家不是一個更舒適的工作環境。

Home is hardly a cozier working environment.

8. 醫生們進行了手術取出了骨頭。

Doctors performed surgery and removed the bone.

9. 近年來,它沒有吸引多少遊客。

It has not attracted many tourists in recent years.

10. 好像你沒有真的在聽我說什麼。

Like you aren't really listening to anything I say.


並(bìng, bīng),漢字,上下結構。讀bìng時,指合在一起,也表示連詞,還可用在否定詞前,加強否定的語氣,表不像預料的那樣;讀bīng時,指中國山西省太原市的別稱。可組詞為併攏、合併、兼併等。 相關詩詞有嵇康《卜疑集》“行與世異,心與欲並”。



名詞 Bing [another name for Taiyuan(太原), Shanxi Province]

動詞 combine; merge; incorporate; join

1. 把三個組併成兩個組

reorganize the three groups into two

2. 把兩張桌子並在一起

put the two desks together/side by side

3. 並葬

be buried alongside each other

動詞 be side by side

1. 肩並肩

shoulder to shoulder

2. 並排坐

sit side by side

副詞 simultaneously

1. 數罪併罰

concurrent punishment of several crimes

副詞 together

1. 舉國並受其害。

The whole country fell victim to it.

副詞 [used before a negative for emphasis but with a tinge of refutation] actually; definitely

1. 我並不想難為你。

I have no intention to embarrass you.

2. 貧窮並不是件光榮的事。

There is nothing glorious about being poor.

3. 翻譯並不比創作容易。

Translation is in no way easier than creative writing.

連詞 [used to join two verbs, etc] and

1. 大會討論並通過了董事會的工作報告。

The meeting discussed and approved the report on the work of the board of directors.

連詞 what's more; furthermore; moreover

1. 計劃已經完成,並提前了半個月。

The plan was fulfilled, and half a month ahead of time, too.

2. 他們知道這幅畫是贗品並知道是誰幹的。

They knew that the painting was a forgery. Moreover, they knew who had forged it.

我真的好想你!用韓語怎麼說 ?