月亮女神的英文 月亮女神用英語怎麼說?
Cynthia n.月亮; 月亮女神
常用 重點詞彙
1. 酒莊名稱”瑟琳”來自希臘神話中的三位月亮女神.
The Selene name comes from Greek mythology.
2. 塞勒涅是月亮女神,正是因為有她,拉特莫斯山才如此美麗。
Selene was the moon-goddess, and it was because of her that Mount Latmus was so beautiful.
3. 晚上,阿爾特彌斯以莊重的姿態飛越夜空,被敬仰為月亮
Artemis also raced across the sky in solemn style at night, respected as the moon-goddess.
4. 跟阿波羅一樣,阿爾忒彌斯使用銀箭狩獵,後來成為月亮女神。
Like Apollo, she hunts with silver arrows, and she later became associated with the moon.
5. 他仍睡在拉塔莫斯山上。每晚月亮女神懷著悲哀的心情看望他,吻他。
The shepherdchose the latter, and he still slept on Mt Latmos, with the moon goddess sadly visiting and kissing him every night.
6. 因此,他們的名字是'月亮女神','火星仙女','海王星仙女',等等。
So their names are 'Moon Fairy', 'Mars Fairy', 'Neptune Fairy', etcetera.
7. 人們有時也看見他們在祭神,祭太陽神巴爾或月亮女神伊什塔耳或阿斯塔耳忒。
They are also sometimes shown making sacrifices to Baal, the sun god, or to the moon goddess Ishtar or Astarte.
8. 在古希臘的慶典上,人們會向月亮女神祭上圓形蛋糕,然後插上蠟燭代筆月亮的光輝。
In ancient Greece, on feast days people would offer a round cake to the moon goddess Artemis,and then, put candles on it to recreate the moon's glow.
9. 普羅佩提烏斯的愛情輓歌,第一句是這樣寫的:\月亮女神用她的眼神俘虜了我的心。\
In Propertius's love elegies, the first line of the first poem reads \Cynthia was the first to capture me with her eyes\.
10. 此外,在今夏早些時候,日本“月亮女神號(kaguya)”衛星也在繞月一年後撞向月球。
Earlier this summer, meanwhile, the Japanese Kaguya satellite was purposely crashed into the moon after having spent a year orbiting it.
月亮女神在希臘神話中也叫阿爾忒彌斯 。 羅馬神話又稱狄安娜,宙斯和勒託的長女,阿波羅的孿生姐姐,是希臘神話中月亮女神的象徵,為奧林匹斯十二主神之一。 她司掌月亮、狩獵、貞潔、處女、自然、森林、野獸;象徵女性的美以及貞潔。
“月亮女神”號(又名輝夜號,以一位傳說中的公主的名字命名)由一顆主軌道衛星和兩顆53千克(117磅)重的子衛星Rstar(中繼衛星)和VRAD(甚長基線干涉測量無線電衛星)。 “月亮女神”月球探測器“月亮女神”各探測器上共搭載了15種精密儀器,將圍繞月球執行1年,以前所未有的精度對月球進行全面觀測,它將分析月球化學成分構成、礦產分佈、地表特徵等。JAXA在宣告中說,所採集到的資料將用於研究月球起源和演化過程。