面談的英文 面談用英語怎麼說?
discuss face to face; talk with sb face to face; take up a matter with sb personally
常用 權威
1. 懼怕面談
dread an interview
2. 對面談
talk face to face
3. 與遊客面談日程
discuss the itinerary with tourists
1. 離職面談不是強制性的。
Exit interviews are not mandatory.
2. 離職面談本應是私密的,但往往不是這樣。
An exit interview is supposed to be private, but often isn't.
3. 為離職面談做些練習。
Do some practice for the exit interview.
4. 您可親自來面談或來信接洽。
You may come in person or contact us by letter.
5. 懇請在閱讀者方便之際予以面談。
Request an interview at the reader's convenience.
6. 網路是人們獲得面談的主要方式。
Networking is the primary way people get interviews .
7. 申請者將於適當時候獲邀約面談.
Applicants will be called for interview in due course.
8. 若必須解僱某人,最好當面談。
If you must fire someone, do it in person.
9. 人事處經理與我約定明天上午面談.
HR manager and i have appointed to a interview at tomorrow morning.
10. 感謝您能給我一次面談的機會.
Thanks for giving me a chance to meet you here.
(1) [speak to sb.face to face]∶面對面地談話 和申請工作職位者面談 一、概念:面談是指任何有計劃的和受控制的、在兩個人(或更多人)之間進行的、參與者中至少有一人是有目的的並且在進行過程中互有聽和說的談話。 卡耐基認為面談是指面對面的正式會晤,不受主席的控制。面談的雙方必定是一方處於優勢,而另一方處於劣勢。如果雙方力量對等那就變成了談判。[1] 特徵:目的性、計劃性、控制性、雙向性、即時性。
動詞 discuss face to face; talk with sb face to face; take up a matter with sb personally
1. 與遊客面談日程
discuss the itinerary with tourists
2. 與人事部經理面談
have an interview with the manager of human resources