海納百川的英文 海納百川用英語怎麼說?
All rivers run into sea
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這是海納百川、相容幷包的海派文化心態.
This is precisely the reflection of all - embracing Shanghai School culture.
2. 海納百川, 有容乃大.
Empty Sea , tolerance is a great.
3. 十堰是一座開放的城市,海納百川讓她充滿生機和力量;
Shiyan is an open city of inclusiveness, filled with vitality and strength.
4. 我們應該以一種虛懷若谷、海納百川的態度去審視、挖掘它。
We should take a humble and compatible attitude to examine and tap it.
5. 熱情地歡迎你加入川外重慶南方翻譯學院這海納百川的大家庭,開啟自己生活嶄新而精彩的畫卷!
Warmly welcome to join this big family where understanding, patience and tolerance are honored and a new and colorful life is to be unfolded.
6. 不受這些慣例所約束,我的身體緊緊依附於古老的傳說,懂得它神奇之處的傳說。我海納百川,包羅永珍。
Independent of such conventions, my body clings instead to the long ago lore that understood its magic. I contain multitudes.
7. 我相信這個展覽是以一種海納百川的精神來體現上海的工藝美術,也是我們上海工藝美術發展的途徑之一。
I believe the exhibition, in the spirit of great breadth of mind, is a good way to develop the arts and crafts in Shanghai.
8. 此次上海文化周,旨在展示上海文化藝術的特色和海納百川、追求卓越、開明睿智、大氣謙和的城市形象。
This year's Shanghai Week aims to showcase the city's spirit, glamour and openness.
9. 傳統與現代,古老與時尚,各種文化在這座大都市中碰撞出精彩的火花。她帶給我們的不僅僅是吳儂軟語的溫柔,更是海納百川的氣魄。
Shanghai, where the traditional and the modern, the old and the new collide and sparkle, possesses not only a feminine softness but also a masculine verse.
海納百川,漢語成語,指大海容納千百條江河的水,形容很具有包容性。例句有“可謂海納百川,泥沙俱下,招降納叛,無所不用。” 該成語出自晉·袁宏《三國名臣序贊》:“形器不存,方寸海納。”李周翰注:“方寸之心,如海之納百川也,言其包含廣也。”屬於中性詞,作賓語、定語使用。 相關近義詞有厚德載物 、詬如不聞;反義詞有小肚雞腸 。
All rivers run into sea