交通方便的英文 交通方便用英語怎麼說?
have a good transport service
常用 重點詞彙
1. 一家交通方便的賓館。
[as adj., with submodifier](situated)a conveniently situated hotel.
2. 這座房子位於交通方便之處。
The house is conveniently situated.
3. 蘇州東靠上海、北鄰無錫,交通方便。
It is close to Shanghai to the east, and Wuxi to the north, with convenient transportation.
4. 便利的交通方便您的旅遊和商務出行。
Its traffic advantages provide convenience for your tourism and business.
5. 這裡交通方便,四通八達。
Here is conveniently accessible.
6. 區位優勢,市場需求,交通方便,規劃許可。
Location advantage, market demand, convenient traffic and construction plan permit.
7. 荷花世界交通方便,高速公路可直達周邊城市。
Lotus World convenient highway access to surrounding cities.
8. 醫院地處上海市靜安寺,環境幽靜,交通方便。
Hua Dong Hospital is centrally located in the Jing An district of Shanghai.
9. 我公司位於美麗的杭州錢塘江畔,人傑地靈,交通方便。
My company is located in the beautiful banks of the Qiantang River in Hangzhou, the old times, convenient transportation.
10. 地處享有摩托車鏈輪生產基地之稱的河北任丘市,交通方便。
Motorcycle production chain wheel is located to the base said the Renqiu City in Hebei, convenient transportation.
be connected/linked; associate/collude with; traffic; communications; liaison; liaison person; underground messenger
convenient; handy; appropriate; proper; make easier for; facilitate; have money to spare; wash one's hands; go to the restroom/bathroom