句子結構的英文 句子結構用英語怎麼說?
sentence structure 句子結構;句型結構;句式結構
常用 重點詞彙
1. 法律句子結構迂迴曲折的本質。
The periphrastic nature of legal syntax.
2. 生成句子結構分析法。
Generative syntax.
3. 使用已學的有用表達和句子結構.
Use some useful expressions and sentence structure you have learned.
4. 請看清單 14 中多餘的句子
Look at the wasted syntax in Listing 14.
5. 發音, 語調和句子結構請不要中國化.
The pronunciation, intonation and sentence structure should not be in Chinese style.
6. 理解和運用的基本規則的句子結構和語法。
Understand and apply fundamental rules of sentence structure and syntax.
7. 簡短對稱的句子
Symmetrical structure of the sentence has a flowing sense about it.
8. 知識的句子結構是研究物件的所有學校的語法。
Knowledge of sentence structure is the object of study of all schools of grammar.
9. 運用多種句子結構
Demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure
10. 正確的語法和句子結構本身並不能構成一篇好文章.
Correct grammar and sentence structure do not in themselves constitute good writing.
sentence structure