最近幾年的英文 最近幾年用英語怎麼說?
last several years; recent years; the last few years
常用 重點詞彙
1. 每加侖31美元,最近幾年通常要高得多。
31 per gallon and was often much higher in recent years.
2. 最近幾年來,野獸的數量減少了。
The number it wild animals has become less in recent years.
3. 貨幣是在最近幾年
Money only began being used a few years ago.
4. 最近幾年,虛擬學習正在迅速增長。
In recent years, virtual learning is growing rapidly.
5. 是最近幾年增長率較高的一年。
A rate of increase slightly above that of recent years.
6. 數種稀有動物最近幾年在那被發現.
Several rare animals have been sighted there in recent years.
7. 最近幾年重點已經明顯改變了。
The emphasis has shifted markedly in recent years.
8. 最近幾年這家商店的生意每況愈下.
The store ' s business has been on the downgrade for the past few years.
9. 最近幾年,電視廣告的收益急劇下挫。
Revenue from TV advertising has decreased enormously in the last few years.
10. 最近幾年停電事故時有發生。
The incident of power cutting is frequently happened in these years.
last several years; recent years; the last few years