小組成員的英文 小組成員用英語怎麼說?
group member
常用 重點詞彙
1. 小組成員一多半是年輕人。
Most of the members of the group are young people.
2. 我現在是本地的戲劇小組成員。
I now belong to my local drama group.
3. 小組成員都忙於籌款。
The team members are busy raising money.
4. 小組成員在凌晨2點以後仍然在工作,這可看出該組面臨的問題。
It was a measure of the team's problems that they were still working after 2 a.M.
5. 小組成員結對兒找地方吃飯睡覺。
The squad members paired off to find places to eat and sleep.
6. 在此,我得向全體小組成員致謝。
My hat is off to the entire team.
7. 什麼對一名小組成員的利益造成衝突;
On what constitutes a conflict of interest for a panel member;
8. 我們是閱讀興趣小組成員.
We are members of the Reading club.
9. 在我把得到的答案,讓看一看小組成員看。
Before I get into the answers, lets take a look at the panelists .
10. 部分多功能小組成員不知道五大工具書內容;
E. g. some the multifunctional team member didn't know what's the five reference book ;
(small) group
(of a family, an organization, etc) member; affiliate