相減的英文 相減用英語怎麼說?
subtract v.減;減去;減少;刪減
1. 討論了一種基於傳統譜相減演算法的改進方法。
In this paper, an improved voice quality enhancement algorithm based on traditional spectrum subtraction method is discussed.
2. 該文提出了基於分數階譜相減的語音增強法。
A method based on fractional spectral subtraction for speech enhancement is proposed.
3. 減法——減去,被相減
Reduction -- minous, reduced by
4. 其次,我們從前面可以看到,指標可以和整數進行相加或相減運算。
Second, we have already observed that a pointer and an integer may be added or subtracted.
5. 現在我們看看其中最大的長方形面積,然後與最小的長方形面積相減。
Now take the area of the largest rectangle, and subtract the area of the smallest.
6. 加密影象和隨機二值實振幅掩模相減,相減後的光強分佈可以重建原影象。
The image to be encrypted can be reconstructed by subtracted key codes from the encrypted date.
7. 演算法提高了譜減法的適用範圍,還在一般譜相減方法的基礎上提出了改進的譜相減演算法.
The application range of the spectral subtraction is expanded by the new noise estimation method.
8. 尤其透過中間和側面前額皮質大腦活動,研究者能判斷志願者做數學題時是決定將兩個數字相加還是相減。
Specifically, the researchers determined whether a volunteer decided to add or subtract two numbers in a math exercise from patterns of brain activity in the medial and lateral prefrontal cortex.
相減 從最後面的物件中減去最前面的物件。 應用此命令,您可以透過調整堆疊順序來刪除插圖中的某些區域。