同時發生的英文 同時發生用英語怎麼說?
simultaneity n.同時;同時發生;同時性
coincidence n.巧合;巧事;符合;同時發生
concurrence n.同意;同時發生;一致;同時發生或出現
conjunction n.【語法】 連(接)詞(如and;同時發生;【天文;占星】 合
synchronize v.使同步發生;一致;協調;同時發生;結合;對準;符合
常用 重點詞彙
1. AlphaGo的勝利和泰勒的失敗幾乎是同時發生的。
AlphaGo's victory and Taylor's defeat happened at about the same time.
2. 有時候集中的浪湧會同時發生產生波峰。
Sometimes converging swells will synchronize to produce a peak.
3. 冰河作用在兩個半球大約是同時發生的。
Glaciations were approximately synchronous in both hemispheres.
4. 這兩件事同時發生。
The two events coincided.
5. 在試驗中,細胞遺傳的確定和酶的確定是同時發生的。
In tests, cytogenetic determination has been found to concur with enzymatic determination.
6. 三個同時發生的音爆迴盪在牆壁間。
Three simultaneous sonic booms echoed off the walls.
7. 就是說,想象的開始和結束同時發生。
It was the beginning and the end of imagination all at the same time.
8. 該公司的垮臺與業主的死亡同時發生.
The collapse of the company was contemporaneous with the death of the owner.
9. 兩側性同時發生高血壓腦內出血甚為罕見。
Bilateral simultaneous hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhages (HICH) are a rare occurrence.
10. 厄運不會一個人來的。壞事通常同時發生。
Bad luck never comes alone. Bad things usually happen all together at once.
simultaneity; coincidence; concurrence; conjunction; synchronize