有備無患的英文 有備無患用英語怎麼說?
where there is precaution, there is no danger; preparedness averts peril; precautionary measures/steps avert danger; readiness is all; have a second string to one's bow; store is no sore
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 居安思危,思則有備,有備無患。
One should think of the danger when in peace, because constant thinking can provide precautions and with all the precautions taken, one is safe.
2. 你最好帶把傘,有備無患。
You’d better take an umbrella just in case.
3. 有備無患, 快收藏這個小東東吧.
Danger, a small collection of fast Wanton it.
4. 我們要有備無患,以防不虞.
We must prepare for the unexpected.
5. 你該帶把傘,有備無患.
You should take an umbrella just as a precaution.
6. 就算是教士,身邊也該備弓箭;有備無患
A man of God is better far having his bows and arrows about him.
7. 要居安思危,有備無患.
We will have to be mindful of possible adversities and be prepared for the worst.
8. 買十包裝的家庭號口香糖,你就可以有備無患了。
Buy gum in family-sized 10-packs so you're always prepared.
9. 有備無患胸部疼痛,與膝關節的疼痛、腰痛等不同;
Unlike an achy knee or crabby lower back, chest pain isn't something to shrug off until tomorrow.
10. 但是提前計劃有備無患,難說政客們不會拼死一搏。
But it pays to plan ahead, just in case the politicians lose the last of their marbles.
有備無患,是漢語成語,意思是事先有充分的準備,就不會產生禍患。例句有“居安思危,思則有備,有備無患”。 該成語出自先秦左丘明《左傳·襄公十一年》“居安思危,思則有備,有備無患”。用作謂語、定語;用於勸誡人。 相關古文有“嗚呼! 有備無患,軍志也,戎人安所暴其詐?千慮一失,聖人也,韓君是以為之虜”,出自唐代李觀《吊韓弇沒胡中文》。近義詞有未雨綢繆、防患於未然等,反義詞有措手不及、臨陣磨槍等。
null詞 where there is precaution, there is no danger; preparedness averts peril; precautionary measures/steps avert danger; readiness is all; have a second string to one's bow; store is no sore
1. 你最好帶把傘,有備無患。
You'd better take an umbrella just in case.
2. 居安思危,思則有備,有備無患。
One should think of the danger when in peace, because constant thinking can provide precautions and with all the precautions taken, one is safe.
3. 有備無患,未雨綢繆。
Better safe than sorry.
where there is precaution, there is no danger; preparedness averts peril; precautionary measures/steps avert danger; readiness is all; have a second string to one's bow; store is no sore