居住條件的英文 居住條件用英語怎麼說?
housing conditions
常用 重點詞彙
1. 居住條件稀糟。
Living conditions are awful/horrific/appalling.
2. 三是城鄉居民居住條件進一步改善.
Third, the housing conditions of urban and rural residents have further improved.
3. 他們的居住條件使人震驚.
Their housing conditions are shocking.
4. 富人和窮人居住在一起,但居住條件極為懸殊.
Rich and poor live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.
5. 中國城市居民改善居住條件的剛性需求依然旺盛.
The rigid requirement that Chinese townsman improves living condition still exuberant.
6. 越南人生活水平的提高還體現在居住條件的改善。
Vietnamese living standards is also reflected in the improvement of living conditions.
7. 孩子們尚未入學,居住條件也很差,衛生得不到保障。
They did not attend city kindergartens and lived in conditions where hygiene was poor or non-existent, officials said.
8. 賴莎對農民們的悽慘的居住條件這一問題是無偏見的…
Raise was candid about the bleak living conditions on the farms.
9. 這種居住條件為英國人的“自己動手”提供了極好的機會。
This kind of living offers a golden opportunity for DIY.
10. 這個人口統計學家將會整合這些資料並分析人類的居住條件。
The demographer will coordinate data collection and analysis on human settlements conditions .
housing conditions