面巾紙的英文 面巾紙用英語怎麼說?
facial tissue 面巾紙;面巾;面紙
1. 她用一張面巾紙擦眼睛,擤鼻子.
She wiped her eyes and blew her nose on a tissue.
2. 她喜歡批次購買東西,比如面巾紙。
She prefers buying things like tissues in bulk .
3. 浴室中有一盒克里奈克斯牌的面巾紙。
There is a box of kleenex in the bathroom .
4. 看到了麼?多麼好的一幅面巾紙
See? what a masterpiece on a handkerchief!
5. 給我些面巾紙。
Give some face tissues to me.
6. 商用大卷紙、擦手紙、抽取式面巾紙、餐巾紙、廚房用紙等。
Jumbo Toilet Tissue, Paper Towel, Box Facial, Napkin, Kitchen Tissue.
7. 本機是生產面巾紙的專用裝置,該機由收卷和分切兩部分組成。
It is a special equipment to product tissue. Two parts of slitting and rewinding make it up.
8. 即便是現在,一提起這份禮物時,堪希拉依然會抓下一塊破面巾紙去擦淚。
Even now, Cancilla clutches a balled-up tissue and fights back tears as she talks about the gift.
9. 該產品是一臺只有8英寸的完美立方體,跟舒潔面巾紙盒一般大小,它是喬布斯審美觀的純粹表達。
An eight-inch perfect cube the size of a Kleenex box, it was the pure expression of Jobs's aesthetic.
10. 蒂姆:我要給她買10包衛生紙和20盒面巾紙。這是她第一次獨立生活,她會需要所有這些東西的。
Tim: I'm buying her 10 packages of toilet paper and 20 boxes of Kleenex. She'll be living on her own for the first time and she'll need all that.
面巾紙是一種當手帕或擦脂粉用的柔軟手紙,於1924年由美國公司金佰利首次生產,取名“舒潔”,其具有溼韌強度,用於手部、面部等的清潔,能夠較快地吸水且不分解成碎紙屑。 面巾紙分為優等品、一等品和合格品3個檔次,它們的柔軟度、吸水性、韌性都不同,優等品最好,一等品次之,合格品最差。