以身作則的英文 以身作則用英語怎麼說?
exemplify v.是…的例證;舉例說明;作為…的例證
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 他完全靠以身作則去影響他們。
He influences them only by example.
2. 他不能以身作則,更不用說做孩子的榜樣了。
He can’t discipline himself, much less set a good example for his children to follow.
3. 躬行己言,身體力行,以身作則.
Practice what you preach.
4. 以身作則,團結協作, 不斷創新。
Set oneself an example to others, cooperation and hold tighter, continual innovation.
5. 議員們認為以身作則是他們的本分。
Members felt that it was their duty to set an example.
6. 現在,強調以身作則這個問題很必要.
The stress on setting an example is particularly necessary at present.
7. 偉大的管理來自以身作則、激勵他人。
Great management comes from leading through example and inspiring others.
8. 莫莉:現在你也應該做紳士,以身作則。
Molly : Now you should be a gentleman and guide by example.
9. 要做到所有這一切,教師必須以身作則。
In order to do all these, a teacher must set an example of him- or herself.
10. 他只是以身作則,讓我看到他怎麼生存。
He lived or let me watch he do it.
以身作則,漢語成語,形容用自己的實際行動作為別人參照的榜樣,例句有“以身作則,忠實履行職能。”。 出自巴金《家》二十五:“這其間不顧一切阻礙以身作則做一個開路先鋒的便是許倩如。” 以身作則近義詞為,身體力行、身先士卒等;反義詞為監守自盜、以身試法等。
null詞 set an example with one's own conduct; lead by example; exemplify
1. 他不能以身作則,更不用說做孩子的榜樣了。
He can't discipline himself, much less set a good example for his children to follow.
2. 以身作則勝於口頭教誨。
Example is better than precept.
3. 他完全靠以身作則去影響他們。
He influences them only by example.
4. 以身作則,身體力行
set a good example and practise what one preaches
5. 以身作則,廉潔奉公
set a good example and perform duties honestly
set an example with one's own conduct; lead by example; exemplify