人們認為的英文 人們認為用英語怎麼說?
It is believed that 人們認為
常用 重點詞彙
1. 人們認為人類與自然息息相關。
Humans are believed to be tied to nature.
2. 人們認為它可以阻止流行病的傳播。
It's believed to stop the epidemic from spreading.
3. 人們認為竹盒是最早的書包。
People consider the bamboo boxes to be the earliest schoolbags.
4. 人們認為它起源於19世紀初的英國。
It is believed that it began in England in the early nineteenth century.
5. 人們認為,這種薄霧與老子有某種聯絡。
It is believed that this mist was connected to Laozi in some way.
6. 人們認為病毒傳播很快。
People thought the virus spread fast.
7. 人們認為與狗有關的單詞和短語通常很幽默。
It is believed that dog-related words and phrases usually have good humour.
8. 人們認為茶是在6世紀和7世紀被帶到韓國和日本的。
It's believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.
9. 人們認為,通往 \好 \大學的道路早在學前班就開始了。
It is believed that the road to a \good\ college begins as early as preschool.
10. 人們認為男性在科學、技術、工程和數學教育學科中會更突出。
Men are believed to be better able to excel in STEM disciplines.
It is believed that; It is assumed that; It is supposed that