自娛自樂的英文 自娛自樂用英語怎麼說?
recreate by oneself
常用 重點詞彙
1. 2010年甜甜跳舞之自娛自樂!
Sweet 2010 dance amuse oneself!
2. 如果沒什麼別的, 我是自娛自樂.
If nothing else, I do amuse myself.
3. 假日自娛自樂並非總是一件容易的事。
It is not always easy to amuse oneself on holiday.
4. 等待時做些事情自娛自樂。
When you do something to amuse yourself while waiting for something or someone.
5. 所以網站也只是我們自娛自樂的一個工具。
So the website also is a tool that we amuse oneself only.
6. 他用袖子拂去額頭上的汗珠,哼著小曲自娛自樂。
He wiped the perspiration on his forehead with his sleeve and kept humming melodies to entertain himself.
7. 當然我並不滿足於自娛自樂式的計算機學習和研究。
Of course I don't satisfied enjoyment of computer study and research.
8. 我不在家的時候,麥奇總能想出許多自娛自樂的點子。
When I am not at home Munchie finds plenty of amusements.
9. 司機只需要遵守交通規則,而公民們就拿著已有的去自娛自樂去吧。
Drivers just obey the rules and so citizens should just play with what they have.
10. 盤古文化的各種民俗活動是自娛自樂的娛樂性很強的活動,具有突出的娛樂性。
Every sort of traditional activity of Yuanling Pangu culture is a strongly self-recreational one with prominent characteristics of recreation.
《自娛自樂》是李欣執導,李玟、尊龍等主演的喜劇型別的電影。於2004年5月1日在中國上映。 該片講述了村幹部米繼紅為了接近心上人蘆花而親自鼓動大家拍電影的故事...... 2005年,李玟憑藉該片獲第5屆華語電影傳媒大獎最佳新演員提名。 2005年,陶虹憑藉該片獲第5屆華語電影傳媒大獎最佳女配角獎提名。
recreate by oneself