一塊乳酪的英文 一塊乳酪用英語怎麼說?
a piece of cheese
常用 重點詞彙
1. 用你的一塊三明治交換一塊乳酪和泡菜怎麼樣?
Swap one of your sandwiches for a cheese and pickle?
2. 年齡其實無關緊要,除非你是一塊乳酪!
Age is something that dosen't matter , unless you are a cheese!
3. 太好了,我也餓壞了,我要一塊乳酪蛋糕。
Great! I'm starving too. I want a cheese cake.
4. 這稠的部分,或者說凝乳,便是第一塊乳酪。
The thick part,or curd,was the first cheese.
5. 哦,這個像一塊乳酪。
Ah, it looks like a piece of cheese.
6. 當他把一塊乳酪放進冰箱時,這就是你所說的祝福。
And as he puts a block of cheese in his refrigerator, This is what you call a blessing.
7. 一隻狐狸看見烏鴉嘴裡叼著一塊
A fox once saw a crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree.
8. 把一塊乳酪放進一塊土豆的中間,像這樣按一下,然後包起來。
Chunk of cheese, chunk of potatoes, hole in the middle, push it in like that and then simply close it up.
9. 看看吧,這就是最後一點白色醬料了,我們再放入最後一塊乳酪。
So look this is the last bit of white sauce and then we'll finish it with a last little kiss of cheese.
lot; a piece; a block; a piece of