天牛的英文 天牛用英語怎麼說?
longicorn n.LONGHORN 的原稱
常用 權威
1. 紅腹柄天牛是闊葉樹的重要害蟲之一.
Aphrodisium faldermannii rufiventris Gressitt is an important pest of broadleaf trees.
2. 本文敘述了對青楊天牛病毒的研究成果。
This article expatiated about the researching on Saperda populnea Virus.
3. 天牛邊晃觸角邊唱:哼!
Huang Pin pine tentacles edge sing : Hmm!
4. 加強對天牛的預防是減少楊木木材蟲眼的重要手段。
Strengthening prevention and control of long-horned beetles is a way of decreasing numbers of insect hole.
5. 花絨寄甲是大型天牛類林木蛀幹害蟲最為有效的天敵昆蟲.
Dastarcus helophoroides was the most effective natural enemy against the large - body longhorn beetles attacking trees.
6. 室內外試驗證明,蒲蟎對雙條杉天牛幼蟲有很好的寄生效果.
Indoor or outdoor examinations prove that autoeciousness between Pyemotes sp.
7. 對為害桑樹的主要天牛類害蟲及為害情況、防治方法做一綜述。
The damages to mulberry trees caused by main longicorn beetles were summarized and some solutions were introduced.
8. 這些研究結論為進一步完善雲斑天牛的生物學特性提供了理論依據。
The study will provide theoretical basis for further improve the biological characteristics of B. lineolata.
9. 利用寄生性天敵花絨寄甲防治天牛幼蟲和蛹是主要的防治技術,前景廣闊。
It was the main techniques in future to control the larvae and pupa by parasitoids of Dastarcus helophoroides.
10. 揭示林木抗蟲機制,培育具有抗蟲特性的新品種是楊樹天牛綜合管理體系的基礎。
To explore the mechanism of the resistance of forest tree to insects and breeding new species with resistant is the foundation of Poplar Longhorn Beetle Integrative Management.
天牛(學名:Cerambycidae,英文名:Longhorned beetles),鞘翅目葉甲總科天牛科的通稱。 天牛科有星天牛、松褐天牛、雙條杉天牛等多個種類。成蟲觸角線狀,能向後伸,超過體長的2/3;複眼腎臟形,環繞在觸角基部;附節為隱5節,附式為5-5-5。幼蟲長圓柱形頭圓,縮入前胸;前胸粗大,胸足2 ~4節或退化;腹部前6、7節背,腹面常具步泡突,第9節具1對尾突。其食性廣泛,能加害多種不同科的植物;有的則限於同科或接近的屬,如大牙和曲牙鋸天牛為害禾本科植物,樟紅天牛為害樟樹和楠木樹。 松墨天牛等喜危害即將枯死或已死樹,每年在成蟲飛出前,及時砍伐,徹底清理和處理林間死樹。
天牛(英文名:Longicorn)是鞘翅目天牛科動物。 其全體黑色,有金屬光澤。具有小白斑點。觸角第3-11節的每節基部有淡藍色毛環。前胸背板中瘤明顯,兩側另有瘤狀突起,側刺突粗壯。鞘翅基部顆粒大小不等,鞘翅每側約有20個小形白色毛斑,排成不整齊的5橫行。中國大部分地區均有分佈。具有活血通經,散瘀止痛,解毒消腫之功效。主治血瘀經閉,痛經,跌打瘀腫,疔瘡腫毒。
名詞 long-horned beetle; longicorn