相互幫助的英文 相互幫助用英語怎麼說?
mutual aid
常用 重點詞彙
1. 合作就是相互幫助,得失與共.
Cooperation consists in helping ong another and in sharing losses and gains.
2. 這四個人真的做到了相互幫助。
The four men really helped each other in every way.
3. 將其公平分配,相互寬容,相互幫助。
Divide it fairly, bear with and help each other.
4. 在英語學習上我們相互幫助.
We help each other in studying English.
5. 愛是向兄弟一樣相互學習,相互幫助。
Love as brothers. each study , each help.
6. 三人相互幫助,能挑得起六團體的擔子。
Three helping one another bear the burden of six.
7. 素不相識的人們相互幫助.
Strangers helped each other.
8. 他們相互幫助爬上了環繞這座城市的山脈。
They helped one another climb the high hills around the city .
9. 在這個過程中,我們相互幫助,團結一致。
In this process, we help, to unite as one mutually.
10. 迪克森人的人際關係密切,大家相互幫助。
People in Dixon stuck together and help each other.
mutual aid