粵劇的英文 粵劇用英語怎麼說?
Guangdong opera (popular in Guangdong Province and other Cantonese-speaking regions)
常用 權威
1. 我們不能任由粵劇藝術日漸凋零.
We can ' t let the art of Cantonese opera wither away.
2. 一名粵劇演員坐在劇院後臺的臺階上。
Cantonese Opera performer sits backstage at a theater in Hong Kong.
3. 去西九龍文化區聽一聽非常有穿透力的粵劇。
Experience the piercing sounds of Cantonese opera in the West Kowloon Cultural District.
4. 她為發揚和延續粵劇藝術的苦心,實在可敬.
Her to carry forward and continue the painstaking art of Cantonese opera is really respectable.
5. 對粵劇知之甚多.
She knows much about Guangdong Opera.
6. 戲劇部分分為、話劇、歌劇、舞劇、戲曲,而戲曲又分為粵劇、潮劇、福佬劇、木偶戲。
Drama was divided into drama, opera, ballet and opera; and opera was divided into Cantonese opera, opera, Hoklo drama and puppetry.
7. 視聽資料,包括口述歷史訪問、山歌、傳統木偶及粵劇表演,以及博物館歷年來舉辦的週末講座等。
Audio-visual materials including oral history interviews, traditional folk songs, performances of puppets and Cantonese operas, museum weekend lectures, etc.
8. 另一方面,十多位專程由美國回港的南加州香港浸會大學校友會校友,在大學會堂表演粵劇賀校慶。
Meanwhile, a troupe from the HKBU Alumni Association of Southern California (HKBUAASC) travelled to Hong Kong from Los Angeles and conducted a Cantonese opera performance for their alma mater.
粵劇(讀音:yuè jù),又稱“廣東大戲”或者“廣府戲”,漢族傳統戲曲之一,源自南戲,用廣州話演唱,是廣東省、香港特別行政區、澳門特別行政區的傳統戲劇,主要流行於說粵語的地區。
名詞 Guangdong opera (popular in Guangdong Province and other Cantonese-speaking regions)