堅強意志的英文 堅強意志用英語怎麼說?
strong will 強烈意願;強大意願;戰勝自我
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他的堅強意志使他能捨棄一切享樂。
His strong will enables him to refuse all pleasures.
2. 這讓她在艱難時期依然保持堅強意志。
It's what helped her keep persevering through tough times.
3. 他百折不回的堅強意志值得我們學習.
We must learn from his indomitable spirit.
4. 驅使他前進的是要活下去的堅強意志.
What drove him on was his strong will to live.
5. 他有透著堅強意志的下巴.
He had a determined chin.
6. 攀登陡峭山峰需堅強意志.
Set a stout heart to a steep hillside.
7. 有人認為,催眠不能影響對患有堅強意志。
Some people opine that hypnosis cannot be affected on persons with strong will power.
8. 要求指揮員有打敗敵人的堅強意志和能力.
Leaders are expected to have the will and ability to defeat an enemy.
9. 我想這應該是我有了堅強意志才成功的吧!
I think this should be the only success I have a strong will of the bar !
10. 所以我利用了自己在監獄中建立的堅強意志。
So I leveraged the mental toughness that I built while going through prison.
strong will