被接受的英文 被接受用英語怎麼說?
go down 下沉, 墜毀;被記錄, 被記住;被嚥下, 被吞下;引起某種反應;(完成學業後)離開大學(尤指牛津/劍橋);(非正式)被捕入獄
常用 重點詞彙
1. 重複壞主意會增加他們被接受的機會。
Repetition of bad ideas increases their chances of being accepted.
2. 儘管馬可尼擁有自主權,但他感到被疏遠了,並遭受了不被接受的痛苦。
Despite his autonomy, Marconi felt alienated and suffered from a lack of acceptance.
3. 對於那些曾經認為這是一種冒犯行為的人來說,它正變得越來越容易被接受。
It is becoming more acceptable to many who used to think it offensive.
4. 他已被接受為工會會員。
He has been received into the trade union.
5. 她的擬議被接受了。
Her recommendations were accepted.
6. 他出生於國外,從未被接受入籍。
He was born in a foreign country and had never been naturalized.
7. 妥協被接受,對抗漸漸消失。
The compromise was accepted and the opposition melted away.
8. 第三方的海運提單是不被接受的.
The third party ocean Bill of Lading is not acceptable.
9. 他們那天的表現是可以被接受的.
Their behaviors on that day were acceptable.
10. 認識到任何問題都能被接受或解決
Realize Every Problem Can Be Accepted or Dealt With
go down