合乎邏輯的英文 合乎邏輯用英語怎麼說?
conform to logical
be logical
常用 重點詞彙
1. 合乎邏輯的推論
a logical deduction
1. 在美國,時尚是合乎邏輯的並且對穿著它的女性的意願負責。
Fashion in America was logical and answerable to the will of the women who wore it.
2. 當然只有當我的要求合乎邏輯的時候。
Of course only when my demands are logical.
3. 這將是一個合乎邏輯的時間這樣做.
It would be a logical time to do so.
4. 合乎邏輯的推理是不容否定的.
Its logical reasoning cannot be gainsaid.
5. 他的議論合乎邏輯而難於挑剔。
His arguments were logical and hard to fault.
6. 我不得不姑且相信他的論點合乎邏輯.
I had to grant the logic of his argument.
7. 而這筆橫財只有一個合乎邏輯
There was only one logical recipient of the windfall.
8. 你必須學會怎樣確立合乎邏輯的論點。
You must learn how to construct a logical argument.
9. 可想而知,這是個多麼合乎邏輯的移居。
So you can imagine what a seamless transition that was.
10. (論據,理論,政策)合乎邏輯的;協調的
Coherence coherent adjective (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent
conform with/to; correspond to; accord with; tally with; square with/to
logic; reason; objective law; logic (as a mode of reasoning); logic (as a science of reasoning)