子孫後代的英文 子孫後代用英語怎麼說?
descendants n.後代;弟子;後裔;(descendant的複數)
posterity n.後代;後世;子孫;後裔
offspring n.子女;結果;幼仔;產物
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我們希望帶頭為子孫後代恢復海洋的健康。
We want to lead the way in restoring the health of the ocean for future generations.
2. 保護環境將裨益子孫後代。
Environmental protection will benefit future generations.
3. 但是子孫後代們現在無法投票。
But posterity has no vote.
4. 我們必須為子孫後代保護森林資源.
We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations.
5. 這座紀念園將成為教育子孫後代的地方。
For future generations, this memorial will be a place of learning.
6. 們的主人公是非常關心他的子孫後代的。
Our hero was very solicitous about his descendants.
7. 他位高權重, 而且子孫後代都人丁興旺.
He was important and powerful, and his family prospered for many generations.
8. 試想,我們可以留給子孫後代怎樣的遺產。
Imagine the legacy we could leave ot our children.
9. 一個毀滅現實世界,並威脅子孫後代的模型?
A model that's trashing the living world and threatens the lives of our descendants?
10. 他還想到了未來還會有子孫後代將家族延續。
He also thought about the children who would one day carry on his family name.
descendants; posterity; offspring; future generations