在此期間的英文 在此期間用英語怎麼說?
in the meantime 在此期間, 與此同時
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在此期間,人們乘坐火車或馬車旅行。
During these times, people travelled by train or in carts pulled by horses.
2. 這意味著支票的出票人可以在此期間賺取資金利息。
It means that the writer of the check can earn interest on the funds in the meantime.
3. 在此期間我將只能祈求好運。
In the interim I'll just keep my fingers crossed.
4. 在此期間,比利時人則講鬼故事.
Belgians, meanwhile, tell ghost stories.
5. 在此期間,不妨試穿下傳統韓服。
And while you're here, why not slip into the traditional dress.
6. 在此期間,她贏得了姑母的賞識。
During that time she so gained my aunt's confidence.
7. 在此期間,會有一種輕微的牴觸感。
In this transit, a slightly conflicting air is felt.
8. 在此期間,死神出現在我們的家裡。
In the meantime death made its appearance in our family.
9. 我們公司將在此期間保留她的職務。
We will resume her position in our company.
10. 在此期間,我們怎麼能度得起假呢?
In the meantime how can we possibly afford to take a holiday?
in the meantime