五嶽的英文 五嶽用英語怎麼說?
Five Sacred Mountains
常用 權威
1. 五嶽歸來不看山,黃山歸來不看嶽。
Trips to the five Sacred Mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary, and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five Scared Mountains unnecessary.
2. 它是中國五嶽之一,在古代被稱為西嶽。
Five Mountains in China, and once called the West Mountain in ancient times.
3. 五嶽 的命名是由各自相對的位置而來的。
All five Yue are named according to their relative locations.
4. 五嶽的騰飛,離不開企業科技的開拓與創新;
Wuyue Corporation cannot make rapid advances without technological exploitation and innovation of the corporation.
5. 嵩山,位於河南登封市附近,是中國五嶽之一;
Mount Song, near Dengfeng, one of the Five Sacred Mountains of China.
6. 而他的身體和肢體變成了雄偉的五嶽;血液變成了滔滔江河.
His body and limbs turned to five big mountains and his blood formed the roaring water.
7. 華辰五嶽人願竭誠和國內外各界朋友合作,攜手共創美好的明天。
Huachen Wuyue staffs wish that they can cooperate with domestic and foreign customers and creater the bright future hand in hand.
8. 嶽不群假仁假義的說了幾句冠冕堂皇的話,便當上了五嶽派的掌門。
Yue not the cluster is always spoke a few words of grandiose, lunch on the sent five owners.
9. 山嶽體系中較顯赫的有崑崙、五嶽,海島體系中最著名的是三島、 十洲。
The group of islands mainly comprises the Three Islands and Ten Islets.
10. 第二日五嶽劍派一齊相聚大殿內左冷禪說起五派合一之事,南嶽衡山莫大第一個站出來反駁左冷禪。
On the second day yue jian send together within the hall left cold chan together talking about five sent one thing, mount hengshan great first counter left cold chan.
五嶽是中國漢文化中五大名山的總稱,分別為東嶽山東泰山、西嶽陝西華山、中嶽河南嵩山、北嶽山西恆山、南嶽湖南衡山。 五嶽是遠古山神崇拜、五行觀念和帝王巡獵封禪相結合的產物,後被視為道教名山。它曾是封建帝王仰天功之巍巍而封禪祭祀的地方,更是封建帝王受命於天的象徵。
名詞 Five Sacred Mountains[東嶽泰山Mount Taishan, the Eastern Mountain in Shandong Province;南嶽衡山Mount Hengshan, the Southern Mountain in Hunan Province;西嶽華山Mount Huashan, the Western Mountain in Shaanxi Province;北嶽恆山Mount Hengshan, the Northern Mountain in Shanxi Province; and中嶽嵩山Mount Songshan, the Central Mountain in Henan Province]
1. 五嶽歸來不看山,黃山歸來不看嶽。
Trips to the five Sacred Mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary, and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five Scared Mountains unnecessary.