電動牙刷的英文 電動牙刷用英語怎麼說?
electric toothbrush 電動牙刷;電牙刷
常用 重點詞彙
1. 用電動牙刷擦洗齒菌斑。
Use an electric toothbrush to scour off plaque.
2. 不要勉強自己使用電動牙刷
Don’t be reluctant to try powered toothbrushes
3. 水果刀, 餐刀, 禮品工藝刀, 電動牙刷等.
Fruit knife, knives, gifts of knives, such as electric toothbrushes.
4. 一項調查顯示電動牙刷在減少齒菌斑和齒齦炎上更有效。
A Review of studies from the past four decades found electric toothbrushes were more effective than manual alternatives in reducing plaque and gingivitis.
5. 2005年5月5日,星期四,健康新聞頭條:電動牙刷。
Health Newsfeed for Thureday, May 5th , 2005. Headline: Electric toothbrush.
6. 使用大多數的電動牙刷,你只需要把刷毛碰到牙齒就行了。
With most electric toothbrushes you only need to touch the tooth with the bristles.
7. 每餐餐後刷牙。使用質量比較好的電動牙刷,有效按摩牙齦。
Brush your teeth following each meal. Use a quality electric toothbrush to effectively massage your gums.
8. 比較各種不同模式的電動牙刷,對於牙菌斑的減少和牙齦的健康的效果。
To compare different modes of powered toothbrushing against each other for plaque reduction and the health of the gingivae.
9. 可以考慮使用電動牙刷,尤其對患有關節炎或其它疾病的人來說,電動牙刷將使刷牙輕鬆有效。
Consider using an electric or battery-operated toothbrush, especially if you have arthritis or other problems that make it difficult to brush effectively.
10. 優質新型的電動牙刷對護齒能起到很重大作用,它不僅能潔齒、祛除齒菌斑,同時還能按摩牙齦。
A late-model high-quality electric toothbrush can go a long way toward not just keeping your teeth clean and removing plaque but also massaging your gums.
電動牙刷,是由瑞士醫生Philippe-Guy Woog於1954年發明的一種牙刷。 它由電機、刷頭、電源構成。透過電動機芯的快速旋轉或震動,使刷頭產生高頻震動,將牙膏分解成細微泡沫對牙縫進行清潔。電動牙刷分為插電源和用電池驅動兩種型別。 電動牙刷的正確使用方法為,安裝刷頭(將刷頭套入牙刷軸與金屬軸扣合)、泡刷毛(根據喜好決定水溫,溫水柔軟、冷水適中、冰水稍硬)、擠牙膏(此時切忌開啟電源,以避免牙膏飛濺)、有效刷牙(先手動刷起泡後,再開啟電動開關,從門牙開始向後牙移動牙刷)、清洗刷頭(刷完牙後,先將刷頭放入清水中,開啟電動開關晃動幾下,就可清洗殘留在刷毛上的牙膏和異物)。
electric toothbrush