趁熱打鐵的英文 趁熱打鐵用英語怎麼說?
strike while the iron is hot 趁熱打鐵
make hay while the sun shines 抓緊時機, 趁熱打鐵
常用 重點詞彙
1. 你建議趁熱打鐵,這個建議很好。
Your suggestion, to strike while the iron is hot, seemed a good idea.
2. 我想嘗試新的事物,我想趁熱打鐵。
I ain't trying to stay in my lane. I'm trying to strike while the iron hot.
3. 為了超過敵人, 你必須趁熱打鐵.
To overtake the enemy, you must strike while the iron is hot.
4. 光會介紹不行,還必須學會“趁熱打鐵”。
Kwong will introduce it, but also must learn to \build\ .
5. 趁熱打鐵是一句格言.
Strike while the iron is hot is a maxim.
6. 趁熱打鐵!以優勢的有利情況下,網際網路為你提供。
Take advantage of the favorable circumstances the Internet is offering you.
7. 貝尼特斯還希望他們能趁熱打鐵再拿下阿斯頓維拉。
The Spaniard then focussed on the task at hand, and hoped that the winning mentality would continue against Villa.
8. 我們決定趁熱打鐵,在奧運期間,對我們的產品進行推廣。
We decided to strike while the iron is hot and began to market the product around the time of the Olympics.
9. 愛了,沒有承諾,不履行自己的承諾去做,還不如萍水相逢時就趁熱打鐵拜拜好了呢。
Loved, there is no commitment, nonperformance own commitment do and return to rather meet by chance strike while iron is hot to worship.
趁熱打鐵,漢語成語,意思是趁鐵燒紅的時候錘打它;比喻不失時機抓緊去做。例句為“他覺得老大實在有可愛的地方,於是,他決定趁熱打鐵,把話都說淨”。 該成語出自姚雪垠《李自成》第34章:“是的,我們要趁熱打鐵,一舉攻破南陽。”用法是偏正式;作謂語、賓語、狀語。 該成語的近義詞有事不宜遲、時不可失、不可或緩;反義詞有拖泥帶水、坐失良機。
strike while the iron is hot; make hay while the sun shines; hoist the sail when/while the wind is fair; seize/take time by the forelock