參賽選手的英文 參賽選手用英語怎麼說?
contestant n.比賽者;競爭者;爭論者
entrant n.進入者;參加者
competitor n.競爭對手;競爭者;參賽者;比賽者
participant n.參與者;參加者
常用 重點詞彙
1. 裁判們亮出給各位參賽選手打的分。
The judges displayed the marks they gave to each contestant.
2. 所有參賽選手需要簽署免責宣告.
A waiver of liability form will be required of all participants.
3. 今年的參賽選手達到39085人。
This year, 39, 085 runners started the race.
4. 所有參賽選手必須準時到場參加比賽.
All competitors must attend rehearsals by the Championship will be disqualified.
5. 誰會志願成為參賽選手呢?
Who volunteers as contestant?
6. 外卡參賽選手的人數因為比賽不同而不同.
The number of wild cards available varies from tournament to tournament.
7. 參賽選手全權對車輛的正確保養和安全負責.
Proper maintenance of the bicycle and safety rests solely on the participant.
8. 這位參賽選手正在焦急萬分地等待她最後的得分.
The contestant was waiting for her final score on pins and needles.
9. 這是,其他參賽選手和觀眾們也都紛紛來到了現場。
This is, in other contestants and the audience also have come to the scene.
10. 如今,女選手大約佔據了參賽選手總人數的半邊天.
Today women make up about half of the total number of competitors.
contestant; entrant; competitor; participant