時間到的英文 時間到用英語怎麼說?
time out n.休息時間;暫停;超時;短暫隔離;計時隔離
常用 重點詞彙
1. 又一個美麗的日子,快照時間到!
Oh happy day it's Snapshot Time!
2. 炎爆術再次減少施法時間到5秒.
Pyroblast cast time has been reduced to 5 seconds.
3. 嘿,我可以幫忙。麥琪魔法時間到。
Hey, I can help. Time for a little Maggie Magic.
4. 史蒂夫!嗯,麥琪?遊戲時間到啦。
Steve! Yes, Maggie? Time to play.
5. 控制用花灑淋浴的時間到5分鐘內.
Try to restrict your shower time to no more than 5 minutes.
6. 順便問一下, 們什麼時間到堪拉?
And by the way, what time will we get to Canberra?
7. 我們幹嘛要浪費時間到那破屋子去?。
Why are we wasting our time going to some shack anyway?
8. 他離開酒吧僅僅是因為關門時間到了.
He left the pub just because it was chucking - out time.
9. 就寢時間到了還沒有回來。
Someones up past her bedtime.
10. 我們有充足的時間到劇院.
That will give us enough time to get to the theatre.
Time out