口服的英文 口服用英語怎麼說?
profess to be convinced; take orally
常用 權威
1. 口服藥
oral medicine/medication; medicine
2. 口服液
oral liquid
3. 心服口服
be sincerely/utterly convinced
4. 口服藥片
oral tablet
5. 口服疫苗
oral vaccine
6. 口服避孕藥
oral contraceptive; the pill
7. 口服法
oral administration; oral medication
1. 口服避孕藥。
Oral contraceptives.
2. 那些藥品可以注射,也可以口服。
These medicine can be applied by injection or orally.
3. 口服甾體是嚴重時候短期服用藥。
Short courses of oral steroids are occasionally required to settle severe symptoms.
4. 異煙肼有片劑和糖漿兩種,口服.
Isoniazid comes as a tablet and a syrup to take by mouth.
5. 我給你開一些注射用藥和口服藥。
Ll give some medicine by injection or orally.
6. 目的建立清肺口服液的質量標準。
Objective To establish the quality standard of Qingfei oral liquor.
7. 我不喜歡打針,能吃些口服藥嗎?
I hate injections. Can I take the medicine orally?
8. 胰島生口服液河北滄州哪裡有賣?
Oral Health Cangzhou, Hebei islet where to sell?
9. 目的探討口服法清潔腸道的效果.
Obiective studies the result of take orally method of enteric cleanliness.
10. 然後,他開始接受口服鈣劑治療.
He then started receiving oral calcium.
詞目:口服 拼音:kǒu fú 英文:[profess to be convinced] 基本解釋 1. [profess to be convinced]∶口頭上表示信服或佩服 2. [take orally;by mouth]∶把藥吃下去 不得口服 詳細解釋 1. 口頭上表示信服。
動詞 profess to be convinced
動詞 take orally