貧富差距的英文 貧富差距用英語怎麼說?
poor-rich disparities
常用 重點詞彙
1. 縮小現有的貧富差距。
Narrowing the existing gap between the rich and the poor.
2. 貧富差距已經拉大。
[as noun the poor]the gap between the rich and the poor has widened.
3. 在過去的十年裡,貧富差距急劇擴大。
The gap between the rich and the poor has increased dramatically over the past decade.
4. 這些並不是表明貧富差距是道德的。
Nothing that follows is meant to suggest that the gap between rich and poor is anything but profoundly immoral.
5. 貧富差距,為什麼要譴責它?。
Why Decry the Wealth Gap?
6. 在住宿方面,校園貧富差距並不明顯。
The wealth gap on campus is not just evident when it comes to accommodation.
7. 為什麼同一個鎮不同村有貧富差距呢?
Why is a town with a wealth of different villages gap?
8. 窮人和富人之間的貧富差距正在拉大。
There are rich and poor and the gap is increasing.
9. 貧富差距達到前所未有之大。
The gap between rich and poor is the biggest it's ever been.
10. 它加大了貧富差距,激化了階層衝突。
It enlarges the gap between rich and the poor and increases the possibility of interclass conflict.
貧富差距也被稱為貧富不均、收入不公平等,是指一個群體或社會中個人擁有的財富的差距。貧富差距過大會造成犯罪率升高等社會潛在危害。 造成貧富差距的原因有多種,受到不同因素的影響,各個國家和地區還有個人之間都有貧富差距,貧富差距並非都是不合理的現象,但也有個人和政府利用壟斷以及漏洞投機取巧不勞而獲的不合理情況。
poor-rich disparities