出生年月的英文 出生年月用英語怎麼說?
date of birth 出生日期
常用 重點詞彙
1. 請將您的姓名和出生年月日告訴我。
Would you please tell me your name and date of birth.
2. 然後我請他告訴我,他的出生年月日.
I then asked him or her to tell me the month and day of birth.
3. 姓名和出生年月日須與護照上的相符;
Name and D. O. B must match with the passport's.
4. 二負責人姓名、出生年月日、住所或居所及身分證明檔案。
Name , birthday , dwelling or temporary residing address , and identity certificate of the principal.
5. 請同時提供你是否有任何親屬在澳大利亞和你的出生年月。
Also please advise of any family that you may have in Australia and your date of birth.
6. 必須儲存每位工人的與年齡和出生年月相關的官方檔案資料。
Official documentation for every workers date of birth must be maintained.
7. 為嬰兒購買禮物的時候考慮出生年月,排除購買對方已經擁有的物品。
Consider birth order when buying a baby gift to rule out buying items the family likely already owns.
8. 請您補填剩下的專案,比如說您的國籍、性別、出生年月、目的地、中國住址等等。
Please complete the rest items like nationality, gender, date of birth, destination, address in China and so on.
9. 被保險人或眷屬變更姓名、身分證號、出生年月日,應附身份證正反面影本或戶口名簿影本。
For newborns, please submit a copy of the household registration document or amended Alien Residence Certificate.
10. 簡歷通常包括下面幾項個人資料:姓名、地址、電話號碼、出生年月日、學歷和工作經歷,這幾項是最基本的個人資料。
A curriculum vitae or resume usually includes the following personal details: name, address, telephone number, date of birth, education and work experience.
date of birth