聽講的英文 聽講用英語怎麼說?
attend a lecture; listen to a talk/speech; hear about/of
常用 權威
1. 用心聽講
listen attentively to a lecture
2. 留心聽講
listen attentively to a lecture
1. 她上課聽講有點困難。
She had a little trouble following the lectures.
2. 上學的時候,他永遠都認真聽講。
At school, he always listens to the teacher and behaves well.
3. 老師經常告訴我們上課要注意聽講。
The teacher usually asks us to listen to the teachers carefully in class.
4. 他講話前告誡大家要注意聽講。
He preceded his speech with a warning against inattention.
5. 我覺得我從來也沒有這樣用心聽講過。
I believed, too, that I had never listening so attentively .
6. 不能怪我沒認真聽講,同學都有同感。
After all almost all my peers have the same feelings.
7. 所以我請你們一定專心聽講。
This is the last class in French, so I beg you to be very attentive.
8. 他上課專心聽講, 眼睛緊盯著黑板。
He was listening attentively in class, and his eyes were fixed on the blackboard.
9. 所有聽講證書將不予補發。
Certificates of Attendance will not be re-issued.
10. 孩子們,我要求你們在課堂上專心聽講。
Now children, I want you to be all ears in class.
動詞 attend a lecture; listen to a talk/speech
1. 她上課聽講有點困難。
She had a little trouble following the lectures.
2. 一面聽講,一面記筆記
take notes while listening to a lecture
3. 專心聽講
listen to a talk intently; listen attentively to a lecture
動詞 hear about/of