簡要的英文 簡要用英語怎麼說?
concise adj.簡潔的;簡明的;簡練的
常用 權威
1. 簡要評論
make pithy comments
2. 簡要闡述
briefly explain
3. 簡要介紹
give a brief introduction
4. 簡要概括
give a neat summary (of)
1. 對該思想及其主要優點的簡要概述。
A quick recap of the idea and its main advantages.
2. 我把事情快速簡要
I gave him a quick résumé of events.
3. 她對情況作了簡要的陳述。
She outlined the case briefly.
4. 這個簡要說明介紹有關體系、產品和標準。
This briefing explains the systems, products, and standards.
5. 他的證詞簡要而貼切。
His evidence was brief and to the point.
6. 他簡要地闡述了黨對民主和公開政府的承諾。
He outlined the party's commitment to democracy and open government.
7. 總統簡要表示了他使用武力平叛叛亂者的意願。
The president indicated his willingness to use force against the rebels.
8. 這本棒極了的書只能是一個複雜產業的簡要介紹。
This excellent book can only be a snapshot of a complex industry.
9. 他不顧一切繼續講下去,試圖簡要地說明他的計劃。
He ploughed on, trying to outline his plans.
10. 簡要地說,並沒有明確理據說一種稅制優於另一種稅制。
In summary, there is no clear case for one tax system compared to another.
形詞 concise; brief and to the point
1. 簡要評論
make pithy comments
2. 簡要介紹
give a brief introduction
3. 簡要概括
give a neat summary (of)