運動者的英文 運動者用英語怎麼說?
canvasser n.遊說者
sporter n.運動用品;運動者
常用 重點詞彙
1. 女權運動者闡揚了她們關於婦女解放的觀點。
The activists for women’s rights expounded and publicized their views on women’s emancipation.
2. 公園裡滿是慢跑者和團隊運動者;
Parks are packed with team sports and joggers;
3. 這又鍛鍊了運動
Thus it exercises endurance and physical strength of the movement.
4. 過去的幾年當中,新聞記者和社會運動者報導過許多案例。
Over the past few years, journalists and activists have documented numerous examples.
5. 目前,鑑於網路服務的各種限制,數碼運動者正在讓這些觀念復活。
Today, faced with the limits of the internet, digital activists are reviving such ideas.
6. 但是這種試驗破壞人類胚胎, 因此保護胎兒生存權利運動者反對.
But such experiments destroy human embryos, so right - to - lifers object.
7. 同樣型別的的心臟病研究發現了運動者患大腸癌和乳腺癌的風險要低。
The same sort of studies that were done for heart disease find that people who exercised had lower rates of colon and breast cancer.
8. 玩家作為一個跑酷運動者在遊戲世界中進行冒險,可以使用滾動、飛行…
Stylish Sprint is an action running game where you play as a stickman who travels the world in search of ad…
9. 五月份後,健身房每個星期六下午和整個星期天都會開放:只對裸體運動者.
From May, the gym will operate every Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday - exclusively for the uninhibited.
10. 交叉皮帶取樣器可以直接從運動者的傳送皮帶上獲得有代表性的粒狀材料的樣品。
The Cross Belt Sampler obtains a representative sample of granular material direct from a moving trough belt type conveyor.
canvasser; sporter