錫紙的英文 錫紙用英語怎麼說?
tinfoil n.錫箔;錫紙
silver paper n.銀箔;細白薄紙
常用 權威
1. 用錫紙把雞肉包起來,煮兩個小時。
Wrap the chicken in foil and cook it for two hours.
2. 你把用過的塑膠袋, 錫紙和錫盤留著.
You save grocery bags, tin foil, and tin containers.
3. 現在,我要用錫紙把它包起來,像這樣,好啦。
Now I'm gonna wrap it in tinfoil, just put it over like that and there you go.
4. 準備一張錫紙,然後我們要留一點地方放胡蘿蔔。
Get yourself, you know, a nice sheet of tin foil and then we're gonna create a little place for putting the carrots.
5. 我把錫紙蒙在烘焙紙上,然後把肉丸整齊的放上去。
I line a baking sheet covered with tin foil.
6. 不要買塑膠包裝,錫紙包裝,三明治包裝等各種包裝袋。
Don't buy plastic wrap, tin foil, sandwich bags, etc.
7. 把這個想成膠水,對。這樣就不讓蒸汽從這個錫紙信封中漏出。
Think of this like glue, right. This is gonna stop any steam escaping from this tinfoil envelope.
8. 類似地,如果你總是用錫紙烤三明治,就可以避免不必要的清洗工作。
Similarly, if you always use tin foil when grilling your sandwiches you can avoid any unnecessary washing up.
9. 幾乎無法忍受此時,它像扔棄牙齒的錫紙爐篦對抗他的神經,而且他戰慄。
Nearly unbearable at this point, it grated against his nerves like tinfoil scraping teeth, and he shuddered.
10. 現在如果你想讓這個袋子不漏蒸汽的話,就拿幾個雞蛋,把蛋液塗在錫紙邊緣。
Now if you want this pouch to not escape any kind of steam, take some egg and put it around the edge of the tinfoil.
名詞 tinfoil; silver paper