開方的英文 開方用英語怎麼說?
extract a root; write (out) a prescription; prescribe (a remedy); prescribe (medicine) for/to a patient
常用 權威
1. 明智的大夫在開方之前先診斷.
A wise doctor will diagnose before writing a prescription.
2. 所以常常為開方計算而花費大量的寶貴時間。
So it often takes lots of valuable time to do such calculating.
3. 你嘗試想出其他的對策得出可以開方的數字。
You look at the other possible options for numbers you could take the square root of.
4. 我用表示開方符號。
I used as the symbol for root.
5. 如果我這樣做那麼大開方便之門的談話,我想這
Cuz if i do that then it opens the door for conversation like i want that cuz
6. 這一變化使開方商開發銷售百分之百的住房給外國的人。
The change allows developers to sell 100 per cent of dwellings in a new development to foreign people.
7. 普京利用職位之便,在私營部門給其朋友和盟友大開方便之門:
Putin uses his position to give special treatment to friends and allies in the private sector.
8. 所以,如果你想買女士避孕套,你要麼讓醫生給你開方子,要麼直接去他們官網買。
So if you want to get one, you either have to go see your doctor or buy it directly from their website.
9. 融化的冰雪不僅直接流入大海,還在冰下形成湍流,為冰川滑向海洋大開方便之門。
Not only do melting snow and ice flow directly into the sea, they also form torrential under-ice streams that lubricate the passage of glaciers toward the ocean.
10. 庇護行政區為偷渡者、黑幫團伙、毒販、人販子、殺手和其它暴力罪犯大開方便之門。
Sanctuary jurisdictions are the best friend of smugglers, gang members, drug dealers, human traffickers, killers, and other violent offenders.
動詞 extract a root
1. 兩邊開平方
extract the square root of both sides
2. 開立方
subtriplicate; extract the cube root
3. 開平方
root; extract the square root; take the square root (of)
動詞 write (out) a prescription; prescribe (a remedy); prescribe (medicine) for/to a patient