廚櫃的英文 廚櫃用英語怎麼說?
kitchen cabinet n.非官方顧問團
1. 把這些盤子放到廚房廚櫃的最上層。
Put these plates on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard .
2. 她把紙袋放在廚櫃上,然後去拿水壺.
She lifted the carrier bag onto the worktop and reached for the kettle.
3. 他最後給廚櫃上了一道清漆.
He used clear varnish to finish the cabinet.
4. 你可以受惠強烈的第一印象只是磨你的廚櫃。
You can benefit from a strong first impression by simply refacing your kitchen cabinets.
5. 在選擇廚櫃是好的開始構思,確定你的風格。
When selecting kitchen cabinets it is a good ideas to start by defining your style.
6. 馬丁有一個大廚櫃。
Martin has a big cupboard.
7. 如是廚櫃公司購買的,其安裝理應由廚櫃公司負責。
So hutch ark company buys, its install behoove to be in charge of by hutch ark company.
8. 志邦廚櫃正在由地區強勢品牌向全國性品牌穩步發展.
Zhibang is now developing from the regional strong brand into the national brand.
9. 身材袖珍;抽屜的小廚櫃;她瘦小的外形;纖細的足。
Chest of drawers; her petite figure; tiny feet.
10. Monica廚櫃裡的食物,每星期由藝術部門更新一次。
The art department updates the food in Monica's kitchen cupboards weekly.
櫥櫃(a cupboard ),又稱“家庭廚房傢俱”、“櫥兵”等;是家庭廚房內集燒、洗、儲物、吸油煙等綜合功於一身的家庭民用設施;\\