力不從心的英文 力不從心用英語怎麼說?
one's ability falling short of one's wishes; be unable to do what one would like to; one's ability is not equal to one's ambition
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 老王年事已高,工作有些力不從心。
As Lao Wang is advanced in years, he is not able to work as he would have liked to do.
2. 事故之後她開車力不從心。
After the accident she didn't feel up to driving.
3. 教會在獲取一塊終究無法持有的土地時力不從心。
The Church overreached itself in securing a territory that would prove impossible to hold.
4. 有時候,夢想很多,卻力不從心。
Sometimes, the dream of many, but ambition.
5. 力不從心
If I feel incompetent I will remember past success.
6. 花瓣散落的曾經,愛情力不從心。
Petals scatter had, love them.
7. 黃裳想要躲閃,已是力不從心。
Huang Chang wants to dodge being looked, meager the competence to act.
8. 競賽者們由於天氣炎熱而力不從心.
The competitors were prostrated by the heat.
9. 力不從心,心有餘而力不足.
Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
10. 儘管阿納金原力很強,卻總感力不從心。
Despite being powerful in the Force, Anakin always found this difficult.
力不從心,是漢語成語,釋義指心裡想做某事,但是力量不夠。例句為“按我的政治思想水平、鬥爭閱歷和知識能力,擔當編選陳毅同志詩詞的工作確是力不從心。” 該成語出自南朝宋范曄《後漢書 西域傳》:“今使者大兵未能得出,如諸國力不從心,東西南北自在地。”用作主謂式;作謂語、賓語;用於謙辭。中性詞。 相關近義詞為無能為力、心有餘而力不足,反義詞為得心應手、力所能及。
null詞 one's ability falling short of one's wishes; be unable to do what one would like to; one's ability is not equal to one's ambition
1. 老王年事已高,工作有些力不從心。
As Lao Wang is advanced in years, he is not able to work as he would have liked to do.
one's ability falling short of one's wishes; be unable to do what one would like to; one's ability is not equal to one's ambition