升調的英文 升調用英語怎麼說?
rising tune/tone
常用 權威
1. 在英語中有些疑問句需要用升調.
In English, some questions have a rising inflection.
2. 聽以下的先是升調然後是降調的句子。
Listen to these sentences spoken first with rising and then with falling intonation .
3. 他們為升調到總部的約翰安排了一個歡送會.
They arranged a farewell reception for John, who had been transferred to the head office.
4. 我們必須涉及這些黑色音符了,它們可以被稱為升調或降調
We've got to get into these black notes, which can be called sharps or flats.
5. 表達自信,尋求肯定或證實的反意問句:先用降調,再用升調。
Tag questions that express confidence and seeks agreement or confirmation: Voice first drops then rises at the end.
6. 科學家們發現,法國嬰兒的哭聲是升調,而德國嬰兒的哭聲是降調。
And they found that French infants wail on a rising note while the Germans favor a falling melody.
7. 在鍵盤上,半音是相鄰的兩個音之間的距離, 白鍵或黑鍵, 升調或降調.
On the keyboard it is the interval between adjacent notes, white or black, ascending or descending.
名詞 rising tune/tone