積極影響的英文 積極影響用英語怎麼說?
positive impact
常用 重點詞彙
1. 它的負面影響蓋過了它的積極影響。
Its negative effects more than cancel out its positive effects.
2. 他認為人工智慧將對人類產生積極影響。
He thinks AI will be positive for humans.
3. 這必將對直隸地區農業生產產生積極影響.
These would produce the positive influence on Zhili agricultural production.
4. 第六,顧客信任對顧客承諾有顯著的積極影響。
Sixth, customer trust has an obvious positive effect on commitment.
5. 中藥對獲得臨床緩解及延長蜜月期有積極影響。
Chinese medicine may have positive impaction on remission and extending honeymoon period.
6. 運動對心理健康的積極影響與手機或社交媒體無關。
And exercise positively impacts mental health in a way that's unrelated to phones or social media.
7. 我們的結果顯示資源積累滯後對投資非凡的積極影響。
Our results suggest a nontrivial positive effect of resource accumulation lags on investment.
8. 本文以滇西北為例,針對這一焦點來探討其積極影響。
This paper takes Northwestern Yunnan as a case to talk about its positive influence.
9. AAT對有或沒有臨床症狀的人都有可衡量的積極影響。
AAT has a positive, measurable effect, both in those with and without clinical conditions.
10. 很有洞察力。哪一本書對你的世界觀產生的積極影響最大?
Very insightful. What book most positively shaped your idea of the world?
positive impact