玉米棒的英文 玉米棒用英語怎麼說?
corncob n.玉米的穗軸;玉米棒子;玉米穗軸
corn on the cob 玉米棒子
常用 重點詞彙
1. 擗玉米棒子
break off corncobs; pick corns
1. 這支玉米棒兒仍然自信地說道。
The corn on the cob said with confidence.
2. 玉米粒由機器從玉米棒上分離下來.
Machines remove the kernels from the ears.
3. 索菲亞:好,要不我來烤玉米棒
Sophia: Okay, how about if I get the corn on the cob ready for grilling?
4. 所有玉米棒都塗上黃油,非常美味。
Corn on the cob all buttered up and delicious.
5. 他用玉米棒子做了一把口琴.
He made a harmonica out of the corncob.
6. 玉米棒弄乾之後就被送到加工中心去了.
After drying, the corn is taken to a processing center.
7. 找玉米棒子!
Look for corn!
8. 如今,乙醇是由僅佔玉米植株總量中很小數目的玉米棒子加工而成。
Now, ethanol is made with corn cobs, which are just a small amount of the corn plant’s total biomass.
9. 以前,用於擦拭的源品有從各種棍棒和樹葉到玉米棒子及亞麻織物。
The original items that were previously used for our wiping pleasure ranged from various sticks and leaves to corn cobs and pieces of linen fabrics.
10. 是,我想要兩塊雞胸,八塊雞片,三客中炸薯條,一條玉米棒,勞駕。
Yes, I want two breasts of chicken, eight chicken nuggets, three medium fries, and one corn on the cob , please.
玉米(拉丁學名:Zea mays L.),別名玉蜀黍、包穀、苞米、珍珠米等,是禾本目禾本科玉蜀黍屬一年生高大草本植物。 玉米稈直立,通常不分枝,高1-4米,基部各節具氣生支柱根,葉片扁平寬大,線狀披針形,花葯橙黃色;穎果球形或扁球形,其大小隨生長條件不同產生差異,花果期秋季。中國各地均有栽培,全世界熱帶和溫帶地區廣泛種植,為重要穀物。玉米具有很強的耐旱性、耐寒性、耐貧瘠性以及極好的環境適應性,營養價值較高。玉米還具有許多生物活性,如降血糖、提高免疫力和抑菌殺菌等。 玉米是常見的一種粗糧,適量吃了之後通常有提供營養和能量、促進排便等好處。玉米做法有松仁玉米、玉米豬骨湯、鮮肉玉米包、水果玉米汁等。
corncob; corn on the cob