蒼耳的英文 蒼耳用英語怎麼說?
Siberian cocklebur
常用 權威
1. 蒼耳子
achene of Siberian cocklebur
1. 結論: 蒼耳子藥用植物資源可適當擴大.
Conclusion: The resources of medicinal plant Xanthium may be appropriately expanded.
2. 目的: 篩選加味蒼耳子散揮發油提取工藝.
Objective : To screen the extraction process of volatile oil in Supplemented Xanthium Powder.
3. 結果: 提供了蒼耳子及其混淆品的鑑定依據.
Result: ldentification criteria have been worked out for Xanthium and its confused species.
4. 其成份包括蒼耳子 、 木蘭花 、 野菊花和甘草.
Its ingredients include Xanthium fruit, magnolia flower, wild chrysanthemum and licorice root.
5. 目的研究含有蒼耳
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of Xinyi Biyan pill containing Fructus Xanthii on liver function.
6. 結果蒼耳子藥材在不同的層析條件下分離效果均好,斑點清晰.
RESULTS The identified characteristics of chromatography were distinct and the spots were clear.
7. 蒼耳子為鼻科常用藥, 尤其多用於治療慢性鼻竇炎、慢性鼻炎.
Fructus Xanthii is commonly used in rhinology, especially used in treatment of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.
8. 結論所用方法專屬性強,重複性好,可作為蒼耳子藥材的定性鑑別方法。
CONCLUSION The method is specific , accurate, reproducible and can be used for the quality control of Fructus xanthii.
9. 目的:觀察採用亞米克導管,用加味蒼耳子散煎劑行鼻竇灌注治療鼻竇炎的療效。
Objective: To observe the use of Ya Mike catheter, with Modified Cocklebur Powder decoction line sinus efficacy in the treatment of sinusitis.
10. 魔術貼的靈感則來源於大家從田野裡走過時褲子上經常會粘上蒼耳,怎麼搞都搞不下來的經歷。
Velcro that comes from those little things that get stuck to your pants when you walk through a field and you can't get them off you.
蒼耳(學名:Xanthium sibiricum Patrin ex Widder),菊科蒼耳屬植物。 蒼耳廣泛分佈於中國東北、華北、華東、華南、西北及西南各省區。俄羅斯、伊朗、印度、朝鮮和日本也有分佈。其常生長於平原、丘陵、低山、荒野路邊、田邊;高可達90釐米;根紡錘狀,莖下部圓柱形,上部有縱溝,葉片三角狀卵形或心形;7-8月開花,9-10月結果。
蒼耳,本名李凱霆,作家,評論家。 生於合肥,籍貫安徽省無為縣。 1959年生,曾就讀於池州師範專科學校。從二十世紀八十年代至今,主要從事詩歌、散文隨筆和理論批評的寫作,曾獲香港《現代詩報》首屆世界華文詩歌臨工論文獎(1993年),《詩歌報月刊》“中國當代詩壇跨世紀實力詩人詩歌集結”銀獎(1994年)等。2007年出版隨筆集《紙人筆記》。
名詞 Siberian cocklebur