安家的英文 安家用英語怎麼說?
settle down 定居下來;安定下來
get married 結婚
常用 權威
1. 安家費
settling-in allowance;family allowance
2. 安家立業
get married and start a career; start a family and a career
3. 安家落戶
make one's home; set up home; take up residence; settle (down);(of a plant) grow as well after being transplanted as before; (of an animal) live and reproduce as before in a new area
1. 浦東開發區,置業安家的好地方.
Pudong Development area is a good place for you to Buy an estate and settle down.
2. 曾在那裡安家
Settle down there long ago
3. 他們重新安家的費用將全數支付。
Their relocation costs would be paid in full.
4. 他已放棄在倫敦安家的全部希望。
He had given up all thoughts of making London his home.
5. 他都三十好幾了,還沒安家。
He is well over thirty but still not married yet.
6. 我想你會在紐西蘭安家的.
I suppose you could put down root in New Zealand.
7. 你可以在這安家陶德先生
You can move in here, Mr. Todd.
8. 他怎麼可以在人行道上安家呢…
How could he live on the sidewalk?
9. 在它前面,是一個安家的好地方。
In front of it, there was a good place to make a home.
10. 我們之中有幾個人很想在這裡安家.
Our mensome of them - might even settle here.
《安家》是由耀客傳媒出品,孫儷、羅晉領銜主演,張萌、海清、王自健、孫佳雨、田雷等主演,安建執導,九枚玉、六六等擔任編劇的現實主義都市劇,於2020年2月21日在東方衛視、騰訊影片播出。 該劇改編自日劇《賣房子的女人》,講述了某房地產中介公司的大區經理房似錦(孫儷 飾),臨危受命去挽救一家業績不斷下滑的門店之後所發生的故事。 2020年7月17日,獲得第26屆上海電視節白玉蘭獎最佳中國電視劇;2021年2月28日,獲得2020微博之夜微博年度熱劇;2021年4月,獲得第3屆影視榜樣·2020年度總評榜2020年度創新劇集。
安家,拼音為ān jīa,漢語詞彙。有平靜安穩之家;使家庭安樂;安頓家庭;安家費等意思。
動詞 settle down
1. 在北京安家
make one's home in Beijing; establish a home in Beijing
動詞 get married; set up a home
1. 他都三十好幾了,還沒安家。
He is well over thirty but still not married yet.