護城河的英文 護城河用英語怎麼說?
city moat
常用 權威
1. 護城河上有座吊橋。
There is a drawbridge across the city moat.
2. 襄陽護城河是全國最寬的護城河.
The city moat of Xiang Yang is the widest one in China.
3. 護城河邊,郊區,北京新建的小區綠地面積也很大,都適合放風箏。
The area by the city moat, the suburbs and the broad grassland of the newly built residential areas in Beijing are all suitable for flying kites.
4. 有護城河的城堡。
A moated castle.
5. 城堡外環繞著一條護城河.
There is a moat round the castle.
6. 還有護城河呢.
There is even a moat here.
7. 我們城市周圍的護城河最近被嚴重汙染了.
Moat The moat around our city has been seriously polluted recently.
8. 幽雅的環境蔥翠的松林壯觀的護城河
Its quiet setting with its green pine trees and moat
9. 咱們尋找生意的護城河,咱們也尋找那些有護城河環繞的城堡(生意)並且它們的護城河可以或許舒展成為使生意做小做強的重要思索因素。
We look for moats around businesses. We look for castles (businesses) that have a moat surrounding it which is expanding as a primary consideration of a great business.
10. 這座中世紀的城市周圍建有城牆和護城河.
The medieval town a high wall and a deep moat.
護城河,亦作濠,定義為人工挖掘的圍繞城牆的河,古代為防守用,是古時由人工挖鑿,環繞整座城、皇宮、寺院等主要建築的河,具有防禦作用,可防止敵人或動物入侵。 這樣的以天然為主、人工為輔的護城河在中國和世界就比較多了,最典型的城市有南京、西安、荊州、襄陽、重慶、衡陽、常德、贛州、洣水鎮、遙田鎮等。 世界各國在古代已有開鑿護城河,中國北京紫禁城、西安明城牆,南京明城牆,荊州古城牆、濟南護城河(濟南環城公園)、襄陽護城河、臺灣新竹古城、左營舊城、億載金城,日本古城如松本城、江戶(今東京)的皇居、以至歐洲各國的城堡及皇宮等等地方都建有護城河。歐洲不少城堡在護城河上建有可升起的木橋,以方便出入,亦可防止敵人進入。
名詞 city moat